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Dads With Daughters

Mar 29, 2021

Today on the Dads with Daughters Podcast we spoke with Jim DeGaetano, President of Diamond Wealth Advisors and author of the new children's bookLarry the Bunny Saves His Money who offers tips on how parents can teach their children about money. He also talks to us about his own experiences as a father too.


Mar 22, 2021

Today on the Dads with Daughters Podcast we spoke with Ed Frauenheim, co-author of the new book: Reinventing Masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion and Connectionas he talks to us about his experiences as a father but also his experiences in creating a world that socializes men to create a gender equitable and...

Mar 15, 2021

Today on the Dads with Daughters Podcast we spoke with Chaz Carillo, a father of 5 girls who shared his experiences of fatherhood with us insurance and making sure you have the right kind of insurance especially when your child is getting ready to drive.

Chaz is an insurance for the David Chapman Agency and you can...

Mar 8, 2021

Today on the Dads with Daughters Podcast we spoke with brothers Joe and Mark Pellerito about their different journeys of fatherhood. Both came to fatherhood in different ways and you will learn much about fatherhood, but also about adoption, finding ways to create individual relationships with your kids and...

Mar 1, 2021

Today on the Dads with Daughters Podcast we spoke with Dr. Tom Phelan, founder and author the 1-2-3 Magic series of trainings and books about his company and resources as well as his experiences as a father. 

About Dr. Tom Phelan

A registered clinical psychologist, Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D. has worked with children,...