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Dads With Daughters

Feb 24, 2020

Today on the Dads With Daughters Podcast we have Matt Prestbury, a special education teacher from Baltimore that started an amazing Facebook Group called Black Fathers.

Matt Prestbury shared that after he divorced from his first wife he began to look toward other fathers to help form a bond and a collective among men...

Feb 17, 2020

Tom Sylvester

Today on the Dads With Daughters Podcast we have business consultant, entrepreneur, speaker, father,  and author, Tom Sylvester. He works with entrepreneurs and business leaders to help them grow and scale their businesses through leadership, strategy, and systems.  He spent several years doing this with Fortune 500...

Feb 10, 2020

Today on the Dads With Daughters Podcast we have Stay at Home Dad and past Higher Education Faculty and Researcher Dr. Kyle Ashlee.

Kyle Ashlee shares his experience as a stay at home dad, but he also shares the journey that he went on to make the decision to be a stay at home dad. Giving up his professional identity...

Feb 3, 2020

Today on the Dads With Daughters Podcast we have author and father of two daughters, Elisha Cooper. Elisha is the author and illustrator of many books for kids, but he is also the author of two books that explore his journey info and through fatherhood.

One of the books that we talked about in depth was the book